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Responding to recent terrorist attacks


In light of the horrific terrorist attacks in Lebanon and France as well as those earlier this fall in Turkey and in spring Kenya, we wanted to reach out to you our students from across the globe.

To begin, we have hundreds of alumni and numerous current students from France, and the Paris. Ile de France region, we are shocked and saddened by this weekend’s attacks across Paris.

Aside from posts in our various groups, we have been in direct contact by email, SMS,and direct message with alumni and current students to ensure that they, their families, friends, and associates are ok. Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers go out to those whose lives were cut short.

As a global institution with a student body representing nearly 40 nations, and alumni in more than 80, we are resolute in our mission to create an environment where learning, communications, understanding, respect, and progress are encouraged, celebrated and protected.

In the coming weeks, months, and years we will undoubtedly and unfortunately face other challenges. More certain is the fact that we will prevail and we will persevere, as a close knit, connected, and caring community. With this in mind, please know that you can always reach out to us when you need, our administration, staff, and faculty are here for you, and as a family, we know you will all be there for your fellow students.


Brian Hawkins

Dean of Student Affairs

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Leadership: Does Communication Trump Everything Else?


Be it positively or with disdain, people react when Donal Trump speaks.

Many leadership scholars and practitioners today suggest that communication is the essence of leadership. Without it you cannot create an effective vision, motivate people, participate in decision-making processes, or promote change.

Communication, we could say, is the sine qua non for all leadership behavior across almost all leadership contexts. You can’t run a business without it. The ability to communicate well seems to trump all other qualities, traits, and behaviors.

Speaking of trumping, what about the communication style of Donald Trump, a person much in the news of late for the way he communicates? And how does his communication style stack up against what we teach our students at CIBU?

Some say Trump’s communication is highly effective. It is spontaneous, blatantly honest, unabashedly fearless, full of passion and energy, replete with concrete stories that ground his messages in real events and real people, and often characterized by a desire to steer clear of canned, prepared responses. It all seems positive enough and worthy of our attention, right?

Others, however, would argue that Trump’s communication is characterized by arrogance, narcissism, defamatory or derogatory comments on people or groups of people. It represents a ‘know-it-all’ attitude, an ‘in-your-face’ perspective, and an inability to listen to others and, thus, a constantly interrupting those who are speaking.

Even more egregious, some say, is his inability to ever offer an apology when others have been deeply offended by his remarks. In short, there may be some serious ethical shortcomings in his communication.

At CIBU we emphasize communication that is highly effective but also highly ethical.

Students in the BS program, for example, are required to take “US Business Law,” a course that explores the role of ethics in business in the US but also in international contexts too.

Students in the MBA and MSIM programs are required to take “Business Ethics,” a course that emphasizes “the laws, ethics, and values of the global business world” and includes debates on different ethical positions and a consideration of personal morality within different national and international contexts –each of which may have unique ethical perspectives. Moreover, our leadership courses treat ethics as central to both leadership and management.

CIBU intends to promote honest, passionate, fearless communication wherein students can express themselves freely and openly.

At the same time, however, we believe that the most effective communication is always steeped in ethical considerations – sincere respect for the rights and dignity of all people, a strong commitment to listening to all voices, and a sense of humility that goes hand-in-hand with tolerance, open-mindedness, and, on the world stage, a desire to promote meaningful relations in business, and world peace in politics.

There is nothing trumped up about the communication we promote. We seek authentic interaction informed by an acute sensitivity to the best interests of those with whom we communicate.

That, we suggest, is how leadership can triumph rather than merely trump.

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Business Buzz


Enjoy December’s trending news . . .

Business Education News & Trends
Business Profs: VW Emissions Scandal Highlights Trade-Off Between Profit And Ethics
Student and corporate demands shape curriculum
Teaching the impact of climate change to the leaders of tomorrow
What is the Best Business Education? Run a Marathon (TEDx Talk)
MBA Corner
MBA Careers: Why Companies like Microsoft And Carillion are Demanding “Soft Skills”
Social Media
30 Predictions for Social Media and Social Media Marketing in 2016
Infographic: Social Media Marketing
The Guardian ~ Best books of 2015- part one
100 Notable Books of 2015
Why Collaboration Is The Only Path to Social Progress
Entrepreneurs class turns projects into reality
Eight Things They Should Don’t Teach You In School About Entrepreneurship, But Probably Should
My hardest MBA Class
10 Great Apps Every Leader Needs to Be Effective
Kerry A. Lister
Librarian and Learning Resource Manager
California International Business University
520 West Ash Street
San Diego, CA 92101
Attachments area

Preview YouTube video What is the Best Business Education? Run a Marathon. | Andrew Johnston | TEDxYouth@MileHigh

What is the Best Business Education? Run a Marathon. | Andrew Johnston | TEDxYouth@MileHigh
Insightly Gmail Gadget

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Trump or Trumpery Run Amok?


Political Correctness? Trumpery Run Amok

Dean Howe’s Monthly Blog – December 10, 2015

At CIBU we want to demonstrate tolerance toward all cultures, nations, religions, genders, life orientations, and perspectives/points of view. Open-mindedness, mutual understanding, listening, accepting – those are the kinds of ideals that we seek to bring to the education we offer.

Recently, of course, the world has heard much from Presidential candidate Donald Trump about his position on Muslims entering the United States as well as on related subjects. Some have accused Mr. Trump of being politically incorrect; others seem to value his positions. Let me suggest, looking beyond the Trump debacle to more generic issues, that we need to re-think “political correctness” and perhaps move beyond that moribund concept. What we need, I believe, is the far broader idea of “moral awareness.” Needless to say, “moral awareness” begs the question as to how one defines “moral” – Is it, for example, a relativistic or an absolutist concept? I would offer the following as my own personal definition, which may seem to draw from moral absolutism, and would hope that my CIBU colleagues might support me here: “Moral awareness is a heightened sensitivity to, and acceptance of, the rights and dignity of all people everywhere; it includes a deep commitment to going outside one’s own paradigm and “seeing” and understanding the paradigms of others, even while it also asks us to exercise informed critical thinking and enlightened emotional, social, and cultural intelligence.”

We don’t have to accept the myriad perspectives, beliefs, views, interpretations, values, and so forth put before us today in an almost circus-like panoply, but we should seek to understand them with an open mind and heart and to take a position on them that is founded on broad-based moral grounds, not simply on “political” grounds. What is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad? – those are the questions we should consider, not what are the taken-for-granted norms, the majoritarian opinions, the perspectives of “the crowd,.” The latest political sentiment.

As I have noted in earlier pieces, at CIBU we include moral/ethical considerations as central to our curricula. Let Trump have his say. Our students, we would hope, will hear him openly and then decide, on moral grounds that include consideration of “the rights and dignity of all people everywhere” and keen critical reasoning, whether his messages trump the other candidates or are mere trumpery.


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Centrala studiestödsnämnden of Sweden (CSN) approved CIBU as a study abroad institution


We’re proud to announce that Swedish students can earn their bachelors, masters, or doctoral degree at California International Business University (CIBU) with funding from Centrala Studiestödsnämnden. Sweden uses financial aid to make it easier to study and thereby contribute to a high level of participation in education. Moreover, it is intended to level out the differences between individuals and groups in the population so as to make Swedish society more just and equal. Financial aid is primarily intended to cover a student’s living costs during their education. Financial aid for studies is also an important part of the Swedish welfare system.

Great emphasis is given in Sweden to opportunities to study abroad at post-upper secondary level. Generous conditions therefore exist for obtaining student aid for studies abroad. Students abroad are also able to take out extra loans for additional costs in connection with their studies. In 2012, 900,000 students applied for study aid. This tax supported, government covered program underwrites the cost for more than 900,000 students, which equated to 2.6 billion Euros.

For more information about CSN visit their website: http://www.csn.se/en/2.1034/2.1036

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CIBU, No. 2 Most Cost-Effective MBA in San Diego County


Acquiring accurate and comparable tuition data from other academic institutions is a challenging task. Institutions report tuition in a variety of ways. In addition, some institutions operate on a semester system, others on a quarter system.

In its annual MBA School Ranking the San Diego Business Journal identified CIBU as the second lowest nonresident tuition within the top ten MBA schools by enrollment in the Fall Quarter of 2014.

At $13,841 per year, the CIBU tuition for nonresidents is 57.35% lower than the average of $21,779 in San Diego County and 18.07% lower than the average of $16,343 among the four private non-profit institutions, University of Redlands, Brandman University, Webster University, and Alliant International University.

The bottom line is clear: CIBU offers the second lowest cost MBA among 13 San Diego county institutions. Coupled with the fact that a CIBU education offers small class sizes with significant personal attention to each student, it is obvious that a CIBU education is highly competitive from both quantitative and qualitative levels.

What also sets CIBU apart from the competition is the practicality of our educational programs focused on business management and entrepreneurship, and professional teaching staff, with a majority being working professionals in law, finance, and business, as well as entrepreneurs.











For students who are seeking the quantitative benefits of a cost-effective education, with the qualitative benefits of small, rigorous, personalized programs – CIBU is an extraordinarily attractive option.

To see the entire article, please follow this link.



Download (PDF, 43KB)

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CIBU Alumni Spotlight: Breakfast at Stephanie’s


By: Mike Cummings

CIBU has been providing top notch education for sometime now, so we’re spotlighting one alumni per month showing where they are now and how CIBU helped them get there.

Want to see other student profiles? Visit the Student Profiles section.

Originally from Tahiti, Stephanie Burcegol graduated from CIBU’s Masters of Business program in 2009.  Wanting to stay in the US, she moved to Provo, Utah soon after graduation and began working in a company of over 4,000 employees.  Due to company restructuring, Stephanie began the search for new opportunities.  She wanted to remain in the States, but didn’t have an outlet to do so.  After researching the situation, Stephanie was afforded an opportunity to open a café in the Little Italy neighborhood of San Diego in 2011.

Breakfast at Stephanie’s (www.breakfastatstephanies.net), located at 1501 India Street, was no cakewalk to open.  She was, however, fortunate to have the previous owner advise and counsel her about the various permits needed because, in her words, she “had no idea how to run a restaurant.”  Stephanie also had difficulties elsewhere with health code authorizations and the overwhelming responsibility of hiring employees.  Considering the excess of permits and approvals one must obtain to establish a restaurant, Stephanie’s belief that “the first year is hell” seems to be trustworthy. In summary of this difficult time, Stephanie contends “when you are a woman, young, and a foreigner, no one takes you seriously.”  After battling through this stereotype, Stephanie now finds herself in January of 2013 as having a successful business.

Stephanie applied the education she obtained through CIBU’s master of business program to her café.  While attending CIBU, Stephanie learned about different ways to market her business.  To date, Stephanie has implemented a company website, hires people to pass out coupons, and also advertises on dealcurrent.com.

Though it sounds easy, for her café to be successful, Stephanie believes that “just by being open [in accordance with the café’s hours] and knowing your customers” are important keys.   As well, flexibility is a personal quality that Stephanie possesses to increase success.  Here, Stephanie maintains that flexibility is important because “as the owner you have to be able to change your plans; often and quickly.”  When asked of her expectations for the future of her café, Stephanie would like to open another location eventually.    Lastly, when I asked Stephanie what advice she could share with future entrepreneurs, she offered some advice that putting in 110%, continued flexibility, and never giving up are most important for future entrepreneurs.


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CIBU Workshop Series


Administration  & Acculturation 101

New to the U.S.?  Come learn some of the basics, such as:

  • How to properly write an address  and phone number in the U.S.?
  • How do I open a bank account?
  • How to write a check?
  • What do I need to know about renting, contracts, etc.?
  • Where can I get a mobile phone?
  • How do I address someone older than me?
  • How much do I tip?
  • What about courteous driving?
  • How should I dress in Southern California?

…..and more!   Bring your questions and experiences!


APA   Guidelines

Attending an accredited university in the United States means writing   academic papers, preparing team projects, and PowerPoint presentations.  American universities and colleges, including CIBU, REQUIRE that students write their papers and projects using American Psychological Association, APA Style, 6th Edition.

Come this useful, practical academic skills workshop to learn and apply required APA Style:

  • What is APA Style?
  • Why and when is APA Style required?
  • APA Style, 6th Edition —  Formatting  basics
  • SAMPLE APA Style paper REVIEW
  • AAMPLE APA Style PP Presentation REVIEW
  • References page basics — Citing your sources accurately and properly (and stay out of trouble!)
  • SAMPLES of APA -formatted academic paper and PP presentation will be provided


Everything I need to know about OPT

Understand the timeline and fees involved

  • Understand your legal obligations
  • Find out how to go about applying


Career Preparation- Part I

This workshop is part of our 3-part Career Services Series of presentations designed to help you start your job search with knowledge of the basics. Part 1 will walk you through the resume-writing process.   Come prepared with:

  • Your current resume
  • Your questions and concerns
  • Your ideas and interests

Your homework will be to begin updating your resume for the American job-market, and writing a first draft of your cover letter.


Excel Basics

Make sure you’re aware of how to use this basic business tool!  Come and learn:

  • Worksheets
  • Simple Formulas
  • Manipulating cells
  • Adding comments
  • And more!


Career Preparation- Part 2

Part 2 will allow us to review your new resume and cover letter.  We will also begin to discuss:

  • The networking process
  • How to go about applying, sending your resume, and following up


Career Preparation- Part 3

This workshop will help you to research and prepare for the daunting process of interviewing.  We’ll talk through the issues and role-play some difficult questions to help you be prepared and confident!


Sign-up through our website at:  http://cibu.edu/academic-programs/cibu-workshops/


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The San Diego region is poised to strengthen its economy through increased global activity. In an increasingly integrated world economy, more strategic global economic engagement will prove crucial to San Diego’s sustained economic competitiveness. With a keen understanding of San Diego’s current situation and a collective desire to improve the region’s global position, key stakeholders have organized themselves around one unifying goal: maximize San Diego’s economic competitiveness and prosperity through increased global engagement.

From “Go Global San Diego: A Global Trade and Investment Initiative,” March 2015

 Given its very mission – “… preparing graduates to excel in an entrepreneurial environment and a maturing global market,” the international composition of its student body, its partnerships with other institutions around the globe, and its focus on an international curriculum and cultural intelligence, CIBU is poised to contribute to the “Go Global San Diego” initiative. To be sure, CIBU is doing much to ensure that San Diego moves toward “increased global engagement.”

On March 11, Dr. William Howe, CIBU’s Dean of Academic Affairs, attended the “Go Global San Diego” meeting in nearby La Jolla. Over 300 people attended this important meeting, including Mayor Kevin Faulconer, members of the San Diego City Council, and leaders from business, education, law, science, and other areas of San Diego professional life.  The focus of the meeting and subsequent initiatives related to the meeting is clear: San Diego has a unique opportunity at this point to become increasingly global, but it has some work to do in order to maximize its potential: At present, for example, San Diego is the 17th largest metro as measured by GDP in the United States, but it is 61st in export intensity and 49th in percentage of jobs in foreign-owned firms. CIBU, though certainly a small part of the San Diego economy and of the area’s GDP, has a unique international focus that in many ways encapsulates the “Go Global San Diego” spirit. Its name, its internationally attuned faculty, and its international student body epitomize the importance of the region’s global identity. Moreover, through its collaborative approach with San Diego businesses, CIBU echoes the “Go Global San Diego” emphasis on a “collaborative approach drawing on the relative strengths of dedicated government, industry, and academic partners.” To be sure, CIBU is one of the academic partners that most directly advances global identity.

San Diego is ready to increase its global identity. CIBU already has a global identity within San Diego. Going forward there is much room for productive synergy.

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Attention for FocusEnglish program at CIBU!


It is geared for students who need a little extra guidance with language challenges encountered on a day-to-day basis, both inside and outside of the classroom.

This program will zero in on specific questions students have, clarifying grammar, understanding vocabulary,refining pronunciation, practicing presentations, etc.

Students will receive help to further their confidence and eagerness to participate in conversations in a small,supportive environment free of intimidation.


Speak English

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Welcome to CIBU


Following several years of collaboration and exchange, San Diego’s California International Business University & Copenhagen’s Niels BrockCopenhagen Business College are joining forces in a unique educational partnership creating a Danish-American business educational institution in America’s Finest City.

[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9LZ7QumDEY[/youtube]

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Life in San Diego and at CIBU: A Student Profile on Orcun Oruc


At CIBU we have students from all over the world, our most valued characteristic is our students and the elements which make them so diverse adding to the total environment of our institution.

Orcun is one of CIBU’s students from Turkey. Read to discover what he plans to do when he is done with school at CIBU and what he likes most about San Diego. If you would like to see other studcent profiles please visit the Student Profiles section by clicking the link.

Where are you from?

I am from Istanbul, Turkey. I have been living in San Diego for 3 years already.

What do you like most about San Diego?

Well, I love everything about San Diego. It has a great variety of. things to do. Are you looking for fun ? There are lots of things to do! If looking for nature, there is plenty of it. Did you say cultural and social activities? You can find many.

What are your hobbies?

I enjoy the beach, playing volleyball, soccer, watching movies and reading.

What degree are you working on and what is your major?

I am currently enrolled in the MBA program at CIBU. I Also hold a bachelors degree inLabor Economics and Industrial Relations from Marmara University, Istanbul.

How did you hear about CIBU?

One of my business contacts from San Diego who knew about CIBU told me about the school and its growing reputation. Also my friends, who recently graduated, recommended the MBA program.

What do you want to do when you are done with school?

I am planning to get OPT and join the business life in the US. I Am also a Business Development and Marketing Professional, so will go on with improving my career in this area.

What do you miss most about home?

Of course my family and friends. Also, I miss the great atmosphere, view and smell of Istanbul Bosphorus (Istanbul Strait).

What do you like most about CIBU?

The instructors are great. They are not only concerned about giving academic information, but also great tips on how to use that information in business life. That is a great concept for students to improve their business skills.

What’s your favorite food, musician, and actor?

My favorite food: Turkish for sure! Also Asian and Italian cuisines are my other favorite.

Musicians: Slash, Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC, Zakk Wylde… Rock on!

Actors: Charlie SheenRobert Downey, Jr., Sylvester Stallone, Harrison Ford, Ray Stevenson…

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CIBU Alumni Special: Fabian Fernekess MBA, Dormero Hotels


Fabian Fernekess MBA (right)

Bereichsleiter Personal, Recht & IT (Human Resources, Legal, IT)

1.How did your studies in the USA help in your current position?

It actually helped and still helps me in several situations in my position today. Beginning from the wide range of subjects I studied,  to the active practice of “real world”  issues you need to be able to handle in a professional way, like the elevator pitch. It happens on a daily basis that I only have a few seconds to convince people and point out why they should want to work for Dormero.

2. What was the most valuable lesson you learned in your education at CIBU?

The most valuable lesson was probably constant teamwork and discussions with people from all over the world. There is no better way to understand different cultures, than working in international teams.

3. What was your favorite class? Why?

My favorite classes were ethical law with the judge including the field trip to court and the start up class with Brian including the trips to LA and Berkeley.

4. What is the greatest challenge you see for your industry in today’s marketplace?

Today’s greatest challenge is the fact that more hotels exist, than people actually need. Therefore, you have to be better than your competitors surrounding you at the hotspots of every city. Don’t be afraid of investing in new technology and come up with new ideas to make people want to stay in your hotel. If you are like all the others, you have the same problems and fears like them. That’s why we work daily on the perfect Dormero Concept.

5. What would you say is the greatest change occurring in your industry?

The greatest change I see especially in “my” branch, HR Management, is finding  well educated young employees, who have the motivation to work in the hotel industry. Nowadays, the hotel industry is not the favorite place to work for young students. Therefore it is not easy to find the right candidate who thinks out of the box and has a hands-on mentality. The ones who get into it and work hard will love it and make quite a career in this field.

6. What’s the greatest pleasure you get in your work?

Dormero is not a typical start-up company anymore, after almost 7 years in business with 9 Hotels, including our management department with over 60 employees in Berlin. But it definitely feels like working for a start-up company. There is so much change every single year due to the quick rise of the company, like yearly hotel acquisitions and the focus on our guests, especially staying always on top with technical equipment and installations.


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Student Profile of Dr. Tzu-Yin Chung


Congratulate Dr. Tzu-Yin (Sunny) Chung!

Most of us know Sunny, and she earned her nickname for good reason.   Her bright smile, cheerfulness, and optimism have been a part of CIBU for the last 3 years!  Sunny just graduated with her doctorate degree, and served as our valedictorian on graduation day, June 6 at the Admiral Kidd Club.  Congratulations Dr. Chung!

CIBU asked Sunny a little about herself, and this is what she shared with us:
 What drove your decision to earn a DBA at CIBU?

“After working 15 years in the education industry, I believe that the knowledge of management and business will improve my future career. I focused on the academics of the  educational  profession too much. However, as a school manager, I need to learn more strategies about management, marketing, global business, etc.”

 Tell us how you decided upon this  topic? 

“I have been working on that topic about four years after helping my mom’s business in China.”
What is your next career move? 

“I will still help my mom’s educational business in China and work as a part-time professor in Asia.”

How did you go about writing your speech for graduation? 

“I wanted  professors, guests, students, families and friends to  understand how I appreciate CIBU.”

We all got a chance to meet your daughter.  Tell us more about secured.onlinegambling2014.com your family!

“My daughter is turning to 3rd grade and received a 99.5 of GATE scores at school. I am so proud of her. My husband is a professor in university and also a founder of physical computing company.”

We wish Dr. Chung all the best, and offer one more congratulations as she and her family welcome a new baby boy this fall!


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CIBU’s Successful Entrepreneur


Successful CIBU Entrepreneur Focuses on the Consumer and A Great Team Environment

Class of 2010 Alumnus Marcus Maximilian Wöhrl (28) moved back to Germany with new friends and a different mindset. In the aftermath of the latest financial crisis many companies and investors lost, a few won. Mr. Wöhrl seized upon unique market opportunities to become one of CIBU’s most successful Entrepreneurs.  One of the keys to their success in today’s marketplace, focusing on the consumer and their lifestyles, and aligning services and esthetics of the hotels accordingly.

Founded in Summer 2013, DORMERO Hotels (from the Latin ‘dormire’) has become one of the fastest growing and most innovative hotel brands in Germany. Today, 9 hotels in 8 cities have been renovated and reinvented, each striving to provide an unprecedented experience by a team of inspired and innovative professionals.  The US influence is clear as well down to the employee’s uniforms that feature ‘TEAM’ jerseys.

With central hotel management based in Berlin and more than 700 team members successfully operating the growing chain, annual revenue of 45 million euro (US $61 million) is up from 39 million (US 53 million) last year. Though real money blackjack their growth goals are lofty, they are nonetheless achievable, with the brand expanding from 9 up to a targeted 20 DORMERO Hotels within the next 5 to 10 years.




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Student Profile: Nazmi Cumik


Meet Nazmi Cumick!

I’m sure you’ve seen him, because he is everywhere! Nazmi took a few moments out of his busy life to sit down and share some of the many different experiences he’s had here in San Diego.

Nazmi’s studies began two years ago with CIBU’s Business Fundamentals and Skills Certificate program. His eyes were opened to options available to him that he never realized he had. Though he earned a law degree in Turkey, he said that his time in the BFS program turned out to be a great orientation to life and study in the U.S., and made his transition to the MBA program much easier.

The more time he spent in San Diego, the more opportunities he found to pursue his goals and interests. He has become involved in a variety of organizations to that end. For example, through Tijuana Innavadora , Nazmi has met executives from QualcommSempra Energy, Media, and PR firms, as well as many local business people and artisans. He also keeps up with the blogs, website, and Facebook site of the Turkish American Association. If this isn’t enough, Nazmi gives his time to the philanthropic organization called Autism Tree Project helping families affected by autism.

Nazmi loves to dance. On just about any evening, you’ll be able to find him at the La Jolla Marriott for Salsa dancing, in Santa Monica for a Zumba party, or at In Cahoots teaching country line dancing! He also participates in dance competitions, practices yoga, and has learned the fine art of “tailgating” at concerts and events.

Nazmi says that his varied interests and involvements have helped him to meet people from all over the world, as well as Americans from other parts of our county. His future goals include passing the California State Bar exam, pursuing a job through OPT, or possibly completing a DBA at CIBU.

We thank Nazmi for being such a fine example of the process of networking, and for giving back to our community in so many ways. We congratulate him as he graduates in two weeks with his MBA from CIBU!

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August Faculty Profile


August Faculty Profile -  Robin Heckler

Robin Heckler has been a long-time, loyal, and much valued faculty member at CIBU. Perhaps most importantly she has taught students how to integrate business theory and practical experience in the management of the university’s internship program. At the same time, however, she has taught numerous courses in management, human resources, organizational development, marketing management, and tourism, always bringing an insightful, diverse, and global approach to her interaction with CIBU students. When called upon to help CIBU with new projects, Robin is always eager to pitch in and assist in any way possible.

Many CIBU students have commented in course evaluations on her “energy and passion,” her ability to keep them “captivated” and “interested,” and her capacity to combine theory and practice. One recent student reported that he has “never learned so much in a course before.”

To make her teaching truly effective, Ms. Heckler draws on over 4000 hours of facilitating business leaders and teams in established companies in order to help them become better leaders who make better decisions and achieve better results. She also draws on her over 25 years of work experience in marketing, human resources, and training & development in two Fortune 100 companies as well as experience with small entrepreneurial companies.  Starting her career as a marketing consultant at Ford Motor Company, she set the stage for a successful career in working with all levels of clients, employees, and management.   She was also the first Human Resources Manager for TRI-AD, a San Diego benefits administration and consulting company, where she created the human resources department and implemented numerous effective human resource programs and corporate initiatives.

Fortunately for CIBU, she has extensive background in curriculum development and training programs in: goal setting, change management, customer service, time management, team building,  dealing with difficult people, motivating others, leadership development, interpersonal savvy, conflict negotiation, employee engagement, group facilitation and stress management.

Through her long affiliation with Dale Carnegie, Ms. Heckler has worked with both corporate and governmental organizations, teaching courses in effective communications, interpersonal relationship skills and presentation skills. Moreover, she has trained hundreds of business leaders in entrepreneurism for Fortune 500 companies.  Clients she has served include Northrop Grumman, the US Border Patrol, Cox Communications, Sony, and Qualcomm.

Ms. Heckler engages students and clients with her energy and enthusiasm.  She is known for her tenacity and her passion for developing individuals and inspiring them to carry out the mission and vision of the organization. Among other things, she is recognized as a skilled communicator who specializes in facilitating, coaching, and training individuals and groups.

Ms. Heckler received a BS in Management degree from San Diego State University, where she graduated with honors. She then pursued an MBA degree at the University of Illinois, where she was voted most outstanding MBA student. In addition, she has earned a Human Resources Certificate from San Diego State University and the designation Senior Professional in Human Resources from the Society for Human Resource Management.

California International Business University acknowledges Robin Heckler for her many contributions to the university and its students!


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CIBU Alumnus: Luisa Groschopp, Germany


CIBU Alumni Feature: Luisa Groschopp, Germany.

Luisahas been an integral member of CIBU’s student body, completing both a Bachelor’s Degree and anMBA. As she now begins her career search and enters the workforce, Luisa looks back at her CIBU experience. “Unforgettable from a personal and professional standpoint,” she says.  Luisa has made many wonderful, life-long friendships with fellow CIBU students from across the globe, with whom she will always stay in touch. Besides her new adopted home of San Diego, she spendssome holidays with her “Chicago family,” a host family she lived with during a previous exchange program.

A passionate explorer, she has traveled extensively throughout California, including favorite travel spots such as San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles’ Venice Beach.  Her favorite global travel destinations include Costa Rica and Spain.

Luisa describes San Diego asunique among the cities that she has traveled to, with its unique neighborhoods standing out as making it a special place to live. Her favorite restaurant, The Fig Tree Café is in Pacific Beach and Hillcrest. She takes her dog to play on in Ocean Beach, browses flea markets and some of San Diego’s second-hand stores. Moreover, the outdoor lifestyle of San Diego is something she particularly loves. She has become an avid marathon participant including theRock and Roll marathon and enjoys other outdoor activities.

Luisa, as her CIBU peers, is multilingual, speaking German, English, French and Spanish. This ability to communicate across multiple languages, combined with the cultural and business intelligence gained through her Masters Degree,places her among top candidatesvying for jobs in the global marketplace.Her experience at CIBU has reinforced her global mindset and her passion for interaction with people from different cultures and countries assure her of a successful career, whether she chooses marketing, human resources,business development, sponsorship, or event planning.Luisa’s future is bright and promising.

Ultimately, we think Luisa has what it takes to be a global leader.  What’s in store for her in the future? Perhaps capitalizing on her passion for creativity and development, she’ll start her own business. We expect great things from her!

Be sure to congratulate Luisa when you see her, for a job well done.

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Student Profile: Osama Ballout


Our CIBU family includes two very interesting students from Jordan, Osama and Esraa Ballout. Theirs is a love story, a story of mutual support, and a story of dreams of education, children, and the ownership of their own business.

Osama is a student in CIBU’s DBA program, with a targeted graduation date of early 2016. His creative and intellectual curiosity and knowledge have been inspired by Dr. Sharghi and Dr. Bugarin among his other professors in the program. He remembers his early days in San Diego more than a year ago when he lacked the Engshortlish confidence he has now attained, and he and Esraa felt a little lost. To this day, they thank CIBU staff members for driving them around and helping them find a home.

Studying at CIBU, Osama says, has opened his eyes to opportunities he didn’t know were available to him. His Bachelor and Master’s degrees are in accounting, earned from Yarmouk University in Jordan. He would like to complete his dissertation around the topic of blending e-commerce and accounting information systems. His background in the food industry in Jordan through his family’s business has already exposed him to the commerce, and he longs to open his own business. His instructors at CIBU have also inspired him to strive to teach one day. At 190 cm, Osama is also a great basketball player.

You’ll recognize Esraa from her beautiful smile and stylish, colorful head scarfs! She describes herself as a fashionista, she is generally quiet and studious. Esraa loves to cook, using lots of spices like black pepper, cumin, green chile, and cardamom. She also loves to read and learn languages. Esraa earned a degree in medical laboratory sciences in Jordan and worked as a microbiology analyst for a Jordanian pharmaceutical company, Bella Pharmaceutical, before meeting Osama and accompanying him to America.

Their wedding was a traditional Jordanian affair, starting with a “signature ceremony” in which the bride and groom, with the encouragement and blessing of their families, sign an official document at the courthouse, indicating their intention to marry. They celebrated with a big feast, known as ”mansaf”, consisting of lamb, rice, yogurt, kenafah, cake, and juice.

Like most of our CIBU students, the Ballouts love San Diego. They spend time walking along the harbor, in Seaport Village, in Balboa Park, and in their neighborhood of Hillcrest. They love the fact that they have made friends from all over the world, including students and San Diego transplants from Taiwan, Mexico, Germany, Turkey, The Sudan, Croatia, and Somalia. Esraa comes from a family of 7 children, and Osama from a family of 13. When asked how many children they want to have, the discussion began. “Four”, says Esraa, “Six”, says Osama. They will most likely settle on five!


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CIBU Alumni Special: Valerio Marino MBA, Dormero Hotels


Valerio Marino MBA (left)
Geschäftsführer (CEO)

1.How did your studies in the USA help in your current position?

Quite a lot. Working with different people from various cultures across the globe helps to understand differences. Further, the fact that the whole program is in the US made me stronger as a person and helped me to prepare for unexpected situations and develop an ability to respond.

2. What was the most valuable lesson you learned in your education at CIBU?
I learned techniques for problem solving and an understanding of the ways in which people think and react in different situations. More importantly, I learned to be respectful and empathetic in a variety of situations with my employees.

3. What was your favorite class? Why?
I enjoyed all of my classes and professors. But Judge Sturgeon’s class was different in a great way. We learned about the US legal system, and visiting a US court was a very good experience. The entrepreneurship course with Brian Hawkins was awesome including the study tour with visits to companies including Apple Inc. in Silicon Valley and San Francisco was more than a great experience.

4. What is the greatest challenge you see for your industry in today’s marketplace?
I would say making changes and understanding how a single change may affect others in the organization. It is difficult to make people comfortable with change even if they may not like the idea. Furthermore, it is difficult to make adjustments in cases where the change was not the right decision. I have learned that in these cases one has to restart the process and develop a new solution.

5. What would you say is the greatest change occurring in your industry?
Very difficult but I have simple answer. Since the whole world is changing at a frenetic pace, Dormero’s management and our team are prepared for and engaged in making the great changes necessary.

6. What’s the greatest pleasure you get in your work?
Working with smart and enthusiastic people. I enjoy seeing how important it is to be part of a system and transferring change through this system and our employees. Each step of the way it is vital to explain to the team how to act in the world of business and help them to find their own way, path by path.

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