Administration & Acculturation 101
New to the U.S.? Come learn some of the basics, such as:
- How to properly write an address and phone number in the U.S.?
- How do I open a bank account?
- How to write a check?
- What do I need to know about renting, contracts, etc.?
- Where can I get a mobile phone?
- How do I address someone older than me?
- How much do I tip?
- What about courteous driving?
- How should I dress in Southern California?
…..and more! Bring your questions and experiences!
APA Guidelines
Attending an accredited university in the United States means writing academic papers, preparing team projects, and PowerPoint presentations. American universities and colleges, including CIBU, REQUIRE that students write their papers and projects using American Psychological Association, APA Style, 6th Edition.
Come this useful, practical academic skills workshop to learn and apply required APA Style:
- What is APA Style?
- Why and when is APA Style required?
- APA Style, 6th Edition – Formatting basics
- AAMPLE APA Style PP Presentation REVIEW
- References page basics — Citing your sources accurately and properly (and stay out of trouble!)
- SAMPLES of APA -formatted academic paper and PP presentation will be provided
Everything I need to know about OPT
Understand the timeline and fees involved
- Understand your legal obligations
- Find out how to go about applying
Career Preparation- Part I
This workshop is part of our 3-part Career Services Series of presentations designed to help you start your job search with knowledge of the basics. Part 1 will walk you through the resume-writing process. Come prepared with:
- Your current resume
- Your questions and concerns
- Your ideas and interests
Your homework will be to begin updating your resume for the American job-market, and writing a first draft of your cover letter.
Excel Basics
Make sure you’re aware of how to use this basic business tool! Come and learn:
- Worksheets
- Simple Formulas
- Manipulating cells
- Adding comments
- And more!
Career Preparation- Part 2
Part 2 will allow us to review your new resume and cover letter. We will also begin to discuss:
- The networking process
- How to go about applying, sending your resume, and following up
Career Preparation- Part 3
This workshop will help you to research and prepare for the daunting process of interviewing. We’ll talk through the issues and role-play some difficult questions to help you be prepared and confident!
Sign-up through our website at: